Friday, December 15, 2006

RPG Pandora's Box    8:38 PM

Cars, factories, metropolis, people, people, and more people.

People wanted a better life. A better life as in development, development in their cities, in their brains, but not their heart. Eyes can see concrete walls around, and we call this 'shelter'. Toxic waste running down the once clear stream, we call this 'river'. People robbing, killing, stealing appear in the newspaper everyday, we call this 'society'.

What else do we call now is what it was when created by God? Are the skies as blue, the moon as bright, the trees as green, the wind as light? There are those who wanted to change oh so much of the world, as to create devices that revolutionised everything, they say. From steam engine to computers, now robots and nuklear. Why?

Pandora's box, when the girl's curiosity got the better of her and opened the box that contained all evil, she released all the misfortunes of mankind. A myth, it is. But somewhere, in this puny world, someone spotted this box, "half-opened", or so he says. The cause of the degrading of humanity...? Who knows. Perhaps someone who are kind enough will set out to find this box and shut it back. Or someone who will open the box to full and bring hell to earth.

And those someones are starting to act now. Are you one of them?


Pandora's Box

pandora's box
opened by one on mistake,
suffered by all the consequences


How to Play--Character Creation

Character Sheets

Kyo Tsukimura
Kyle Sealarz


December 2006 l January 2007 l February 2007 l



[browser]: IE 6+
[res]: 1280x1024

[program]: PS7
[stock]: Satire76
[design]: Urban.Faery